
DamnYouRichardParker t1_j91sjdl wrote

Calling out low quality posts and people asking stupid questions... In a low quality/value post that is only critical of others but not giving any constructive suggestions or ideas on how to make things better.

This kind of post only adds to the low quality of the content...

Good and productive communities don't see newbies as a problem. They embrace them and share their field of interest and help make it grow and be better.

Your attitude is the exact opposite. If you want to segregate people based of your own biased perception of what is acceptable or not will only hurt the community and prevent it's wider adoption and better contribituonsIf you try and limit it's reah and inclusion of others.


DamnYouRichardParker t1_j91rvmq wrote

Reply to comment by Deep-Station-1746 in [D] Please stop by [deleted]

Yeah we see this happen from time to time. People promote their field of interest. More and more people join in and after a while a it reaches a more main stream level of popularity and then the "og" purists of the subject get frustrated cause "it's not the same anymore and people are degrading my passion...


DamnYouRichardParker t1_ivzs8zz wrote

I did.

But obviously you need to go back and read my comment cause you mention kitchenware. And the article confirms that there is lead poisoning in kitchenware.

Your entire arrogant rant calling people stupid is pretty rich bud...

Jesus fuck. The reading and critical thinking skills of people here are fucken low to non existant.


DamnYouRichardParker t1_ivnjwg4 wrote

So you expect us to believe that you and your family have been tested for led in your system ?

And that since you and you're family haven't had an issue, that is supposed to mean no one in the history of the world could possibly have a problem with led poisoning related to kitchenware ?

Is that your argument?

This article from NPR explains how you're absolutly wrong.

Here educate yourself. You mite not look so foolish next you comment on something you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
