
DanMarinosDolphins t1_j0en6tp wrote

Do not go there. They almost killed me. Prescribed me medication I was allergic to and gaslit me when I constantly said I felt ill. They also gaslit me about my iud pain and it turns out it was embedded in my uterus. I now have chronic pelvic pain. I could go on, but they're horrific. I have an emt friend who called them a "chop shop". Try open door health. They're accepting patients.


DanMarinosDolphins t1_izdx6jn wrote

I'm not worried about the people who are homeless by choice. I grew up in a Christian cult and when I rebelled I was thrown out at 19. I didn't know how to take a bus or how to do a job interview. I was homeless for a time and housing insecure even longer. I could have benefited from resources being made known to me or being available. I donate to house of codec and to crossroads because I believe in expanding social programs for the housing insecure.


DanMarinosDolphins t1_ixzphif wrote

The best party clubs are the gay ones. Ego is the big one. And then Dark Lady. I tend to prefer Dark Lady as I'm in my 30s, and it's more drag queens and slightly older crowd than Ego which has every baby gay. I like the rooftop on Providence G when I want more dressed up and some food. My favorite has to be freeplay it's an arcade bar with old arcade games that are all free with cover. Way cooler than Dave and busters. They do have a dance bar attached upstairs, but I didn't care for it.

As far as restaurants, my favorite restaurant is Raphaels on Broad street in Providence. They've had a couple different names but they serve Nigerian food to die for.