
Dangerous_Hope4831 t1_j5yipcn wrote

Depending on where you are moving from you’ll make a lot more here. I moved from a state where my salary was 10,000 less with the same cost of living. Still need a roommate but I’m much more comfortable now. Plus my district pays for continuing Ed so I’ll keep going up the pay scale as I get more credits and years


Dangerous_Hope4831 t1_ixa4jpn wrote

Winter hiking is great! We have a lot of ice here in addition to snow so micro-spikes are something I’d recommend if you don’t want to slip. My favorite winter hikes are: Ethan Allen park, Mt. Philo, Stowe Pinnacle, and Red Rocks State Park. All are close or in the Burlington area.

Also if you are comfortable driving in winter weather you should be ok. Most rental cars won’t have snow tires so go slow and be safe. Get the extra insurance if you are worried.


Dangerous_Hope4831 t1_ishqy4m wrote

If you’re heading to Woodstock look up the timing of Wassail Weekend. It’s an old fashioned Christmas celebration that the whole town gets into. They do a horse parade, caroling around a fire and historic house tours.


Dangerous_Hope4831 t1_irysjjd wrote

End of October is going to be pretty chilly. Mansfield had 2-3 inches of snow this past weekend and most of the ski resorts will be open for the season making snow. I hope you are prepared for winter camping. It requires different gear and protections for basic safety.

A lot of shelters and other sites will be pre-booked and not much may be available.