
DarkBlueBear13 t1_ixkyaj3 wrote

You're going to get this from anybody, so it might as well be me:

Shoot your shot. The fear, anxiousness, and embarrassment about rejection fade, but not knowing sticks with you.

I didn't read the entire post because yes, paragraphs, but you sound young. A lot probably feels very permanent right now that is most definitely not. You'll look back on this and find it silly. If you're not young, sorry for the patronization. Best of luck.


DarkBlueBear13 t1_ixkfeze wrote

Seriously, I mean it is not awesome, but what happened to the world. People are really whining and saying "This is impossible for me to read."

I know we've put a lot of emphasis on taking words that mean something and changing that meaning entirely, sometimes in opposite ways (the word "Literally" for example) but this is just ridiculous.


DarkBlueBear13 t1_ixjwqlc wrote

Honestly, though, that's always been a pet peeve of mine. Don't call it a phobia if it's just irrational bigotry and hatred. There's no fear in that, surely? Maybe I'm the irrational one, but it feels to me like somebody dropping a skittle and then going "omg I have to pick this up, I am just so OCD."

It's not like something that truly bothers me, but I get where the other guy is coming from. Phobia has generally always meant an irrational fear to me.


DarkBlueBear13 t1_ixjaizz wrote

Oh my god, I've seen somebody do that before in person and it was somehow one of the most humiliating experiences of my life. I know how sheltered that sounds but seriously it wasn't even me who asked the lady and I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I didn't even know the dude who asked.

Honestly, it's like one of my greatest social fears. I basically never comment on anything physical regarding another human being out of the overly-paranoid fear I'll do something like this lmao


DarkBlueBear13 t1_ixejdhi wrote

Hard disagree. Particularly with "... makes any assumptions by your professor warranted."

A Professor of all people should know that assumptions are not warranted in this context, or most, really. Presumably, he does, as he asked to speak with OP.

I get what you're saying, guilty by association. I've always viewed the 11 nazi saying as more of -- the 10 people aren't necessarily Nazis, but might as well be if everybody they know thinks they are.

Pretty much agree with your post beyond calling an assumption warranted. That is bad.