
DarkFluids777 t1_j08wtta wrote

Either read something accessible (my eternal tip: Bukowski), or something that directly interests or concerns you, clothes, guns, knives or flower arrangement, or 17th century Dutch art, whatever it may be, maybe you would like to collect or are collecting some of those for example, or parctice them: see a book about Aikidou or sword fighting.


DarkFluids777 t1_ixhnopj wrote

I finally need to read that, I had listened to some tapes rendering parts of the story when I was a child, I always liked the somewhat misanthropic, golden-hearted (and 'Nietzschean') Alm-Öhi, too!


DarkFluids777 t1_ixeud38 wrote

Average; bascially I share your assessment of it, I was actually recommended it from an occult angle and in that aspect it wasn't actually overwhelming, either; I btw saw it heavily recommended all over various subs here; maybe my fav scene/s was the one in that the protagonist stayed over winter in utter poverty and nearly froze to death; IMO, 'even' Anne Rice's werewolf tales were so much better [I like her tales, though I understand any criticism of her, too].


DarkFluids777 t1_iu9j6hi wrote

I'm also reading quite a bit of such texts (in my case more arthistorical/humanistic ones, but also archaeological ones at times), when I read some novels, I like to lie down in bed, I still have my phone or ipad at my side to occassionally look things up (also I'm surrounded by my physical hand-library which I only rarely consult), you don't have to completely switch off, but you neither need to look everyhting up either, or maybe even shut down your internet router alltogether and just read in the late evening.


DarkFluids777 t1_itw2kjk wrote

You have to learn to develop a form of imagination in your head (if you don't want to learn this, fine, then you still can learn something new like kung fu, a science (for this you'll also have to able to read, btw) or a new sports, but you will still have to put some time and practice into it [that won't always feel nice]) Learning something new always requires some effort.