
DarkSkiesGreyWaters t1_ja5mygv wrote

>I think people just can't accept that GoT was pretty poor for like half it's run and a lot of the final season issues were a result of mistakes made years before. People just thought the payoff would correct it or something

I think there's a lot of truth to that. As a fan of the books, I found even a lot of the choices they were making in S4 (such as cutting the Tysha reveal out) gave me pause about the direction of things. But yeah, S5 was really mediocre and contained some screamingly poor and lazy writing Season 6 was also really dull and draggy for much of its runtime. S7 is just lol. The idea that things just went south in S7/8 has always been odd to me.


DarkSkiesGreyWaters t1_iriqsze wrote

>A harfoot story? Fuck all the way off... A wandavision type story about gollum and the ring? Seriously fuck off... A telling of the first age? OK, but give it to Peter Jackson... You know, the guy who didn't rape the source material (we forgive him the hobbit because what he did with LOTR) , and give him the billion dollar budget.

Half the stuff people complain about in ROP as "terrible writing" is just as present in the Jackson films.
