
Dark_Night_280 t1_itgw389 wrote

If you insist it's not Annie then kill it.... Poison its food or something, but don't let that thing live.

Do you have gun ?

And it's good that you haven't turned the lights of yet. Does it let you go out on your own ? If so, leave and either get help or don't come back. I'm afraid the latter won't get rid of it though....

Good luck OP.


Dark_Night_280 t1_it6dj80 wrote

Fr, I thought she'd say slammed on the brakes not the accelerator.

But hopefully you'll be okay OP. Honestly I think it's better you get out of the house.

For some reason I feel that the tapping will stop if you call the police but get someone to know that something is following you.

Keep us posted mate, let us know you're okay.


Dark_Night_280 t1_ir7ib0z wrote

It really can't and it's beyond worrying but intervention without information is just as dangerous so I'll stick to my previous words, find out what you can if possible but for you own safety I say leave it alone. That sounds self centered though..... I really don't know what advice I can give to help you help your friend..... just be careful, yeah ?


Dark_Night_280 t1_ir7f4f2 wrote

The fact you were less concerned for your own safety and more concerned about your friend makes me see just how much you actually love her.

And honestly, I'm puzzled too. One thing my brain is telling me for sure though is that do NOT bring it up, it might turn ugly.

And I hate to say this but..... of no one is getting hurt, maybe leave it be.... unless you suspect she's in danger or she "has" to do this and can't stop, then step in...... I don't like to think of "where" she got that pouch, but for now, for everyone's happiness and safety, maybe you should leave it alone...... talk to her about it if you feel she won't flip but I have a feeling it won't end well for you if you do.....