
Darnell2070 t1_j7i62oz wrote



>Study after Velázquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X is a 1953 painting by the artist Francis Bacon. The work shows a distorted version of the Portrait of Innocent X painted by Spanish artist Diego Velázquez in 1650.



Darnell2070 t1_j5p3u3z wrote

My main point is that it's not as likely as OP makes it seem. Being shot by a gun in America is no where near an inevitably.

I'm not trying to defend gun deaths. I'm not pro-gun by any means.

I just think it's important not to lie about it.

Statistically, the average American adult, average American child, is not very likely to be victim to him crime. That's just a fact backed by imperical data.

This is due to total population. If there are 350 million Americans. Currently 40,000~a year die from gun violence. Probably averaging around 45,000 now.


But of those deaths, 55%~ are suicides. So that leads to 20,000~ people out of 350 million being victims of gun related homicide.

And even as rates increase, US population is also increasing, so percentage stay pretty consistent.

Total deaths of 45,000 is .01 percent of 350 million.

Total homicides of 20,000 is .005 percent of 350 million.

If that number leads you to think that it's a question of when and not if, you either don't know the real statistics, or you're just very bad at math.

And to be sure, I believe 45,000 or even 20,000 is too many gun deaths. America needs to get it's shit together for sure.

But this ain't it -> >At this point, it's not a matter of "Will I encounter gun violence?" It's WHEN.