
DatSauceTho t1_jdd2bh0 wrote

You’re reading comprehension is clearly shit. My whole point from the beginning is that he hasn’t revolutionized anything. That’s why I called Zip2 into question. No, I don’t know wtf that is or I wouldn’t have asked. But hey, if you enjoy publicly sucking off wealthy tax dodgers who take away from public funds and programs, by all means. Just do us all a favor and take it to twitter where that bullshit belongs.

I’m sure your idol will appreciate it.


DatSauceTho t1_jdczr5a wrote

Yeah alright. But don’t say he revolutionized this thing or that thing. He didn’t. He came from a wealthy family, made more money, and invested in other companies that made even more money. Stop acting like this dude Toby Stark or something. This is the same dude that somehow found a way to make twitter an even bigger dumpster fire. So there’s that.


DatSauceTho t1_iubxjn9 wrote

Reply to comment by GaugeWon in [I Ate] A New York slice by girouxfilms

>Huh... They used to be wider...

Wait, what? Do all pizzerias in NYC make the exact same pizza?? lol

>she was so upset like I violated pizza protocol or something.

Because you did, sir. You may as well have shit on an authentic Parisian baguette.