
DataMan62 t1_jdtrnzd wrote

If only you asked the web instead of other idiots like us …. “The term was first used in tennis, and is based on the idea of laying out a tournament ladder by arranging slips of paper with the names of players on them the way seeds or seedlings are arranged in a garden: smaller plants up front, larger ones behind.”


DataMan62 t1_jdr4opf wrote

To compare this to my American expectations, I found that

  1. A sq m is about 11 sq ft (1600 sq in / 144 sq in).
  2. The € is worth about $1.08 right now. It’s been as low as 85¢ in 2001 and as high as $1.59 in 2008.

So a hypothetical 1100 sq ft apartment (say 30’ x 37’) 10 km (6.2 mi) from Notre Dame would run anywhere from €1500 to €5000 per month. ($1620 to $5400 / month)

I’m guessing apartments in Paris are mostly small to tiny. What is a typical size for studio, 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom apartments? What’s the minimum size?

Does number of rooms count bathrooms?
Is a kitchen usually counted as a room?
Do all apartments in Paris have bathrooms and kitchens? Even 1-room apartments?

Thanks for the data and the plot.


DataMan62 t1_jd1y9z3 wrote

Thanks for this info! I didn’t know there was an eclipse coming up.

One occurred a few years ago in late August right around my mom’s birthday. The path went just south of my hometown, 300 miles south of Chicagoland. I was going to take my boys to see it and celebrate her birthday, but it was just after school started. When I heard how many people planned to got SIU to see a special presentation on the eclipse, I decided against pulling them out of school. Glad I did. Motels were booked. Several of their classmates went and were stuck on I-57 for hours coming back the next day.

I see this one is heading to the northeast from Mexico and Texas through Maine and Quebec instead of the southeast from Washington through St. Louis to the Carolinas. I think that’s due to the Earth’s tilt at that time of year. No?

I see it is going directly over my hometown and Indianapolis. Indy is going to be PACKED with Chicagoans. If I go, I’ll take 57 to my mom’s house and hope the traffic’s not too bad going down that way — and back.


DataMan62 t1_jd1wn0e wrote

This is the sum of the seeds of the teams which make the round of 16 of the US NCAA Basketball Tournament. Each of the 4 regions works like its own sub-tournament with seeds of 1-16. There are 64 or is it 128 now? teams total. Actually a few more pairs of teams have to win one “play-in” game. So it’s something like 66 or 68 teams total, but the winners of the play-in games get a 16th seed.

If the brackets perfectly predict the results in a region, then seeds 1 through 4 will make it to the semi-final of that region. Their total would be 1+2+3+4=10. If all 4 regions have no upsets in the first two rounds, the sum of the seeds will be 40. This is the minimum possible number for this metric. The more upsets (a lower seed with a higher number beating a more favored team), the higher the sum of seeds.


DataMan62 t1_jd1ve5v wrote

The NCAA works these “students” as slave labor. The basketball and football athletes take ALL the risk of injury and get paid NOTHING. Most of them will never make the NBA or NFL. The schools, the NCAA, and network TV make all the money. American collegiate sports are a very immoral slave labor market.


DataMan62 t1_j7jk4o6 wrote

Good question. I am disappointed in the extreme lack of definition and explanation on almost all the graphs in this group.

But baseline means the average daily ridership. Maybe that’s averaged over the years by month, week, day of week or calendar date. But however the baseline is determined, any given day is almost guaranteed to be at least a little different from the baseline. All of the curves start within 20% of baseline. All but one within 10%. That is normal.


DataMan62 t1_j7jfpmn wrote

No. Capital gains tax is very different from ordinary income tax. The greatly reduced capital gains rate IS EXACTLY what is wrong with the American system. If you work for a living, you have to pay income taxes on it all. If you live off daddy’s inheritance, you can sit on your ass and pay less than half the rate!!!!