
Davidrussell22 t1_ixetuny wrote

I got 2ppm per year from Feldman (2015) as I specified: 22 ppm increase from 2000 to 2010 is about 2 ppm per year. I got the 1 W/M2 per year from you. I asked if it was TOA or surface, presuming you meant TOA as this forcings are usually quoted that way. Surface forcings relate to TOA forcings in the ratio of 1.46 to 1 (the ratio of the 5.5 W/M2 it takes in extra surface energy to heat the surface from 288K to 289K using Stefan-Boltzmann compared to 3.7W/M2 at TOA to move 255K to 256K).

Your new 0.47 W/M2 is still ridiculously wrong even making the new calculations. Since your number is wrong, your conclusions are wrong too.

If your point was that the atmosphere is complex, you actually had no point.

What is clear to me from CERES satellite data is that the GHE is not operating as advertised. As it turns out in a rebuttal to Feldman (2015) Okulaer in 2015 points out that DWIR (the back-radiation that is putatively what causes AGW) actually declined from 2000 to 2014 by 0.63 W/M2. That rather disproves AGW for the 21st century.


Davidrussell22 t1_ixct0pi wrote

What a waste of effort CO2 is fine. In 1995 Gardingen et al measured temps over CO2 emitting springs that had CO2 air ppms varying from 750,000 at 7am to 1000 at 4pm. The temps at those times were identical to those measured nearby where CO2 ppms were 360 all the time.


Davidrussell22 t1_ix3x2la wrote

$120+ oil

massive long-term injuries related to the COVID vaccines

End of Ukraine war. Russia wins (they keep Crimea, get assurances no Ukraine in NATO, Donbas made semi-independent

Republican investigation reveal massive Deep State corruption, but nothing happens.

Unexpected blackouts and fuel shortages.

World famine due to lack of fertilizer.

Inflation turns into deflation.
