
DazedinDenver t1_je1d2x5 wrote

Perhaps we should all declare that our images in the Clearview database are obscene in our judgment and must be removed immediately. Hey, if Michelangelo's "David" is obscene, then certainly any image of my ugly mug must qualify. And since we're apparently now enabling the tyranny of the minority in this country we might as well take advantage of that. And no, to stifle any comments to the contrary, I do not have a dick nose or scrotum lips...


DazedinDenver t1_jd8fxay wrote

Too bad they didn't include a picture of the other USB bombs. I'd love to see how big a stick it took to include even a tiny explosive. Pretty scary, all in all. I guess reporters are not only going to have to use air-gapped computers to check received flash drives but blast rooms with waldos to insert the USB sticks.


DazedinDenver t1_ja0643f wrote

Betting that "surgery" was a just a time-release hormone suppressor implant. "GnRH analogue treatments for children are prescribed, administered and monitored by a pediatric endocrinologist. The medication is typically given as injections, either monthly or every three months, or through an implant placed under the skin of the upper arm. The implant typically needs to be replaced every 12 months." From https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/in-depth/pubertal-blockers/art-20459075