
DeNoodle t1_ixewjb9 wrote

How much can this really cost? Office moral is actually a thing.

This is just an easy way to keeping up the appearance of austerity.

I wouldn't put it past the strategists to have staged the whole thing by a faceless, back-of-the-house group so the MPs could look good blustering about it.


DeNoodle t1_iuy53mi wrote

>Police say the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office cited the possibility that the two sides in the shooting on May 30, 2018, were “mutual combatants” — a disputed legal concept that’s a throwback to duels between nobles or prearranged gunfights in the Wild West.
>That prosecutors passed on charges on those grounds raises questions about whether Chicago gangs can literally get away with murder when it’s unclear who initiated a shooting and who returned fire in self-defense.

The solution is you prosecute everyone on both sides for attempted murder.