
Deadbolt11 t1_j201wh5 wrote

Reply to comment by k4zie in Novelkeys - Poor Customer Service by k4zie

>I made that suggestion because other vendors have done that in the past.

So because company x does y, every company should do y?

>I can see that you are very determined in just defending their position, and that's fine. But if you're really being objective, why does the fact that they acted as if it could ONLY be my fault not resonate with you?

I am being objective based on the evidence available, you're seeing this through very rose colored glasses. You're saying they did x, you're saying they did y, they showed the picture you sent, which very clearly shows a pin stabbed that plastic. You haven't even shown us the exchanges with customer support. We can't be objective as you haven't given us anything to be objective with, we only have your side of the story fed through your bias.

>As I said to someone else a minute ago, that's the sole reason I posted this. A vendor should not treat their customers like they can only be at fault. Do you honestly think that's unreasonable?

You haven't posted anything that supports this statement. Not a screenshot, not a sentence.


Deadbolt11 t1_j2003k5 wrote

Reply to comment by k4zie in Novelkeys - Poor Customer Service by k4zie

> My gf got this during the black Friday sale. They have a short 15 day return window. I got it for Xmas. So I can't return it per their policy.

This isn't their fault.

>Let me ask you, if you buy a car, take it home and it doesn't turn on the next day - do you fix it yourself or pay the dealer to fix it? Nope, you use the warranty. And the dealer won't tell you that X, Y, or C is automatically your fault because you drove it.

This isn't an apples to apples comparison. I know you say your analogy isn't parallel but it doesn't illustrate your point. If you take the car home and put new rims on it and over tighten a lug nut onto the stud, are you going to take it back to the dealer and say it's their fault?

>The nature of selling a hot swap board is to insert switches. But the policy should not be to not cover any instance of insertion or anything about insertion when that's what the board is designed for.

Agree to disagree, the nature of hot swaps boards is that they are fragile. If I was a vendor selling hot swap pcbs, I'd set the policy the exact same.

>Are most issues due to user error, yep, they probably are. But are All User error without any reasonable explanation? No they are not, so don't treat your customers like that.

This I can agree with, however asking a company to cover user error is a lot. I wouldn't expect any company to bend over backwards for me in the case of user error.


Deadbolt11 t1_j1zw867 wrote

Reply to comment by k4zie in Novelkeys - Poor Customer Service by k4zie

Saying they gave you "no other recourse" is being a tad bit dishonest. They let you know how to fix it, they offered to fix it(at your cost, as while they can't prove you popped the socket, the images look like ya did) and ultimately accepted your return when you threatened the nuclear option.

If you'd have had clear pictures with the socket having no solder on it at all or a socket showing no signs of damage I'd agree, they are being unreasonable, but I haven't seen a picture to that as of yet.


Deadbolt11 t1_j1ztasr wrote

Reply to comment by k4zie in Novelkeys - Poor Customer Service by k4zie

> I don't know honestly. They are adamant they are. I'm not so sure. And without a time machine I can't be 100% certain.

Judging by the pictures they posted vs your account of events, I can't be 100% certain, but I can feel comfortable closer to 95% certain. I was very careful with my last hotswap board and still managed to pop a socket loose.


Deadbolt11 t1_j1zpkku wrote

Reply to comment by k4zie in Novelkeys - Poor Customer Service by k4zie

It's a numbers game with a hotswap board.

Which do you think is more likely out of the thousands of pcb's they push out.

1)The PCB is defective

2)The user popped a socket out

At some point you do have to protect your business interests and can't give out a free pcb because the customer damaged one.