
DeceptivelyBreezy t1_jblkjii wrote

When I built a similar but smaller “hoop house”, I got the longest rebar I could find, then got PVC tubes that were about a foot shorter than the rebar. For each hoop, I jammed one end of the rebar in the ground, then threaded the rest through a PVC tube, then jammed the other end of the rebar into the ground. I used another piece of rebar as the top ridge line, and used zip ties to attach the hoops to the ridge line. It worked pretty well — the biggest problem was remembering to leave the door flap open for ventilation on sunny days!


DeceptivelyBreezy t1_jaxmr6x wrote

My husband is usually the one who shovels our porch steps & sidewalks, but he’s out of town visiting his mom in the hospital, so I just shoveled snow for the first time in about 10 years. (And I realized that I don’t express enough appreciation when he does it.)

I’m no spring chicken, so I shoveled 4 times today — I figured I’d hurt myself if I tried to deal with more than 2-3” inches at a time. I’m glad I did!