
DeepNorth617 t1_ixfoegd wrote

Really depends on a few things.

Where the job is: if it’s legit downtown, unless they have an employee lot, expect to pay and arm and leg for parking. Even places with employee lots can charge a stupid amount and tend to having waitlists for more veteran employees.

Where you end up living: Some places in the burbs are pretty accessible via rapid transit (all things considered). However buses and far flung places on the T can be pretty dicey, especially in inclement weather. If you end up in the city, parking that car (and finding parking for that car when you get home from your shift) can be equally dicey.

In my opinion though, if you end up in a place with decent street parking AND accessible via rapid transit- a car is a great luxury to have. Despite what those /r/fuckcars acolytes may say, it’s good to have the freedom to bang up to NH for some camping or drive outside the city for a day and not worry about trying to find a ride or rent a car.