
DeeplyTroubledSmurf t1_jcj8vz4 wrote

Get in to strict commission sales and start manipulating! You can usually just straight up lie to people, as long as they sign something in writing while you're chatting them up, they won't actually know what they're agreeing to. You have written proof and get paid, they can't prove you lied.

Taking strict commission usually earns you way more per sale than a salary/commission. When you're at the top of sales for a while you can even negotiate a higher percent of the cut.


DeeplyTroubledSmurf t1_jaetdfj wrote

Unrelated to the game crashing, but I'm the reason my dad stopped playing video games. He was doing his third run on Final Fantasy 1 for the NES and had pages written out for how to complete everything he'd found in an efficient order. I was probably 6, because I hadn't started first grade yet.

I asked if I could play, he said yes, next time he booted it up he actually cried. I'd erased all the saves just to start my game.

He only played Myst and Riven on a computer he kept locked in his room after that, but never played video games with me again.

He's also a terrible person, so while I would never do that on purpose to someone, I'm glad it happened to him.


DeeplyTroubledSmurf t1_j5gs6t9 wrote

Excuse me, you require more vespene gas. You must also construct additional pylons.

Breathe deep, it's just some food for thought. If there was one thing I learned during Operation cwal it was that you'll never get something for nothing.

Also, "show me the money" cause I couldn't work that one in to a sentence.


DeeplyTroubledSmurf t1_j48g9f0 wrote

In-vitro experiments are fun and make great headlines. They're also in sterile and stable environments. I'm not sure the general public realizes the difference between what a chemical is capable of, and how unrelated that can be to what your body does with it.


DeeplyTroubledSmurf t1_iwnvh4d wrote

Sex toys in general are illegal in the UAE, so she's more being warned not to step out of the airport until the situation is legal or she'll be arrested.

In this case she'd need to disclose human remains, x-ray the butt-plug which is now declared an urn, and she can carry it with her.