DeerFlyHater t1_jcauag4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Good places to target shoot on public land ? by [deleted]
Why should I want a gun control supporter coming to NH?
DeerFlyHater t1_jcau5nj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Good places to target shoot on public land ? by [deleted]
These are the applicable laws in NH. Knock yourself out. RSAs 207:3A, 207:3c, and 644:13.
DeerFlyHater t1_jcao4lf wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Good places to target shoot on public land ? by [deleted]
> I shoot In pisgah state park
So why are you asking for a shooting spot if you already have one?
DeerFlyHater t1_jbzlx8q wrote
This will be fun with a lot of votes/town meetings happening Tuesday.
DeerFlyHater OP t1_jbly66s wrote
Reply to comment by Mynewadventures in NHSP: ‘Push the envelope’: Unit at center of police-transparency case has history of illegal stops and searches by DeerFlyHater
Yeah, it's bullshit. I think one got promoted too.
What makes it even worse IMO is this is supposedly the state police and not some rogue group of city cops. State cops are generally supposed to be a bit 'better'.
DeerFlyHater OP t1_jblsg96 wrote
Reply to comment by Mynewadventures in NHSP: ‘Push the envelope’: Unit at center of police-transparency case has history of illegal stops and searches by DeerFlyHater
Yeah, some real POSs brought up in this article. Infuriating that there is little accountability other maybe getting fired.
DeerFlyHater t1_jbhnjyq wrote
Reply to Kusterand and Pappas vote to keep troops in Syria despite no authorization to have them there. Why? by klem18
Details besides your twitter picture?
and yes, I know we have parts of a BCT and more in Syria. If you're keeping score, this is the third oval office occupant we've had them there for. Nothing new.
DeerFlyHater t1_jb7t8b5 wrote
Reply to comment by gardenfey in Getting out by SpikeConnect
Florida has some pretty restrictive gun laws.
DeerFlyHater t1_jb7qtth wrote
Reply to Reddit noob by Tails-1229XX
Please stay off the general subs of reddit for your sanity and safety.
If I were you, I would delete this account and then start a new one where you never mention your age.
There are plenty of wholesome subs out there such as the already mentioned r/rabbits, but overall reddit is sketchy and toxic as heck.
DeerFlyHater t1_jb5wprm wrote
This is why I just go to a restaurant and then the transfer station on Sundays. It's also why I'm moving further north than my current exit 25 rental.
DeerFlyHater t1_jap4nfp wrote
Reply to comment by phoebe7439 in Texan Paramedic thinking of moving to New Hampshire / New England by Next-Permit-8829
Right now it sounds like LinWood is saying they're short on people. I wouldn't be surprised if Franconia and Littleton work out a contract extension, but eventually Franconia is going to have to look at a long term solution.
If I were a resident, I would be pestering the BoS about it. Tough decision about budgets.
Of course, this is also not a cheap place to live on EMT salaries unless they already live here.
DeerFlyHater t1_jaoyk38 wrote
Reply to comment by phoebe7439 in Texan Paramedic thinking of moving to New Hampshire / New England by Next-Permit-8829
They've been using Littleton for awhile. Looking at news articles in the Caledonian Record(what I can read since it's paywalled) and Franconia BoS minutes it was a last month thing.
The contract with Littleton ends at the end of this month. Littleton doesn't want to renew it as they rightfully feel that Littleton should come first and the calls in Franconia-especially Cannon Mountain stuff pulls them out of town too often.
*I'm kind of a nerd and read local papers, then dig up board minutes to research. I also like listening to broadcastify feeds. It's about the only way I can stay informed, lol.
DeerFlyHater t1_jaoxydr wrote
Reply to comment by nowhereman1223 in Texan Paramedic thinking of moving to New Hampshire / New England by Next-Permit-8829
Indeed it is. Also combined with the housing cost.
DeerFlyHater t1_jan7dtx wrote
I'm not in emergency services, so can't speak towards scheduling. Look north as well. Lakes region, Plymouth area, Littleton area, etc. I would assume the pay would be less than southern NH, but who knows.
Everybody is hiring paramedics. Heck, the town of Franconia had to shut their life squad down due to shortages.
DeerFlyHater t1_jadt97o wrote
While they're not for me, I sort of get churches and church goers.
Megachurches on the other hand seem super cringe and an obvious scam. Good riddance. Everything I've seen of them it's like the flex seal or sham wow commercials turned up to 11. *flex seal is good stuff though
DeerFlyHater t1_ja9btdo wrote
You want to see downplaying, check the Apple Weather app.
Says I'm supposed to get 1.4" here by Squam Lake. NWS says 6-7.
I'll know Wednesday when I wake up.
DeerFlyHater t1_ja13q1p wrote
Reply to comment by ShamanicYogi in the cannon mountain tram needs repairs and Sununu proposes replacing the tram with a gondola to cut costs by comefromawayfan2022
Senator Gendreau from Littleton along with others was trying to do that with SB55 this year.
Looks like it may have been tabled though. I didn't listen to the senate session to see why. Perhaps it can be pulled off the table.
DeerFlyHater t1_ja05mpd wrote
Reply to Update on Abandoned Trailer by SirGraniteHead
Happy Ending! :) It was fun for me to follow along.
and yes, we're all wondering why the cops didn't run the plates. That's darn near automatic first thing cops do behavior.
If you're bored, you could shoot a note to the chief of police to ask WTF and possibly bring this poor service to his/her attention.
DeerFlyHater t1_j9ynpur wrote
Reply to "Mistakenly" shredded all the passports? by Viking603
Jeesh. What kind of shredder is this? Must be a beast.
Also, I had to look it up:
DeerFlyHater t1_j9ygblm wrote
Reply to comment by doobie042 in Abandoned vehicle (RV) on my property by SirGraniteHead
Just saw the WMUR article.
Looks like a simple bumper pull 2" or 2 5/16" ball. Easy move IMO.
DeerFlyHater t1_j9wgji5 wrote
Reply to comment by paraplegic_T_Rex in Seeking new moderators by capistor
Most of MA is rural as if people stacked on top of people are rural. 2010 census because that is what came up in google and that is as much effort as I care to put in on reddit: MA pop density: 839.4(3rd in US). NH pop density: 147(21st in US).
A very few parts of western MA is rural. You may have small towns all over the place in MA, but small town =/= rural. It is mostly all one big urban/suburban/bedroom commuting community shithole.
Got it, you're butthurt over the masshole moniker. Get over it as it isn't going away. Massholes have earned it and they continue to earn it day after day.
DeerFlyHater t1_j9wbyn3 wrote
Reply to comment by paraplegic_T_Rex in Seeking new moderators by capistor
but we're not similar as has been discussed many times
NH is a rural/semi rural state. City people can say what they want from the comfort of their cube farm.
DeerFlyHater t1_j9waxv7 wrote
As a lifelong renter, that sounds normal.
The pre-inspection can be useful if it's the same group who do the pre and final inspection. It was that way when I lived in IN, LA, and AK. Got to shake hands, chat, and realize holy cow you expect all this to be clean-taking notes furiously. Never really had a problem. Except once when a landlord in NC refused to return my deposit, but he was in the process of losing his realtor's license and likely his freedom for keeping the rents for the properties he managed.
The threatened fees are mostly encouragement for the tenant to clean things up.
As already mentioned, move out pics are pretty important.
DeerFlyHater t1_jcaul0r wrote
Reply to Not sure what happened, but this was my Lakes Region total! by rabblebowser
Maybe 5.5" when I measured this morning by Squam. Still have a good 29" in the yard though.