
Deezus1229 t1_jaa12o6 wrote

>they teach this in like 9th grade

Correction, they're SUPPOSED to teach this in 9th grade. However, I found out the hard way when I cited Wikipedia in my first college-level essay and my professor failed that entire paper because of it.

I took honors and AP-level English in high school, not once did they ever dock points or correct us for citing Wikipedia. Some schools just suck.


Deezus1229 t1_j3raeut wrote

Reply to comment by Turbogato in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

My sister is like this too. She doesn't beg me to hang out but I'm the first person she'll reach out to when she needs something. And then insult me and cut me down in front of friends and family the first chance she gets.

I'm about to move 5 hours away and regret nothing about it.