
Deformator t1_j1gwljq wrote

I always desired power, why exactly?

Was it because little Timothy decided to break my little nose when I asked Julie out? Maybe I just needed to prove that I was worth something. No, I just couldn't stand being weak, my father always told me I was a failure and It should've ended there, it should have ended there.

I sit up and search the floor for my slippers and find the pair tucked just under the bed, I reach with my feet and slip them on. I hear the meow coming through from the bedroom doors direction, Felicity, little black gem of a cat. She keeps my twisted mind straight and narrow, I really must feed her, I really must feed her.

I shuffle out of the bedroom and slowly take my steps down the stairs and go into the kitchen, I weigh out exactly 210g of wet food to put into her bowl for after my coffee, I've never bought this brand before, she needs this for the morning, she lets me know when she needs this.

I make my morning coffee, sit on the dining chair and continue with my morning ritual with my phone in one hand, I scroll and scroll through to the latest news and see what I was looking for, Magniman and pals have saved the day again! Great news, they are new, but, they are doing the best work I've seen in a very, very long time.

I get up and shuffle to the dish washer, open it up and slide my newly used cup into the correct slot. I take a glance outside my window and see a familiar face that I have just seen. Magniman staring directly back into my eyes with a hollow expression, but how unusual? My home is extremely far away, I made sure of this, I paid a lot of money for this. My eyes disengages his to satisfy my alarm to look lower, half a body? Why is Magniman holding half of a woman's torso? His eyes continue to lock onto mine, I am the Gazelle, I can feel it.

I dash upstairs as quickly as my legs could take me and hide under my bed, my brain is still trying to process what I have just witnessed. I hear from downstairs the door crashing open and a small quartet of voices from below, all I can hear is the bass from the voice, all I can feel is the sounds.

"Do you think he saw?" Treble spoke.

"He must have, I saw him looking directly at me during clean-up" Magnibass exclaimed.


My Panic intensifies

"I saw you go upstairs, I have X-Ray vision you know." Magnibass then continues "You have such a pretty little cat! I used to have a few of these, my mother always said I was too rough with 'em."

I slide out from under the bed and make my way down stairs, I am zoning out again, I hear the sounds again and again. as I reach my last steps I see them all in their brightly coloured outfits, Felicity in Magnimans left arm purring away.

".. What do you want from me Magniman? I assume there isn't any trouble here" I sheepishly reply

"Oh, no, of course not! I just want to make sure we understand what we saw." Magniman is different to how I imagined, is he a villain I wonder? The others seem to be playing along with his game. "I just want to make sure you understand, what you saw I mean." he continues.

"What is it you want me to have seen?" I bargain, "Nothing." He pats my should with his hand that is free, the others look nervous. "But you must understand what happens if you did." He swings a punch straight in the centre of my face, knocking me down and breaking my nose instantly, blood all down my new shirt, it hurts but I'm too shocked to render an expression on my face.

"I will be taking this little one, always wanted one of these." He keeps stroking the now silent Felicity.

I look up at him stone cold, him and his entourage turn around and move to the door, I can see they are preparing to fly away I would assume, Magniman looks over to his companion.

"Diaman, maybe lets clean this on-"

Diaman's face spasticated in a way no human could ever comprehend, his bones bend in unnatural positions, reciting the hollow clicks with each repetition. Magniman's hollow face matching the events unfolding, shuddering.

I fly up as if my body acts in reverse, nose reforms and blood flowing back into my body with Magniman and his last two companions just staring at me with hollow eyes.

"Her name was Julie wasn't it?" My voice beckons his response.

"H-H-How did you know?" One of Magnimans henchmen retorts, Magnimans eyes still locked onto mine, his pupils dilating, the sweat slowly dripping.

"I never asked for your input." A thousand deep voices cry.

Suddenly the henchman disappears, then enough blood to fill a human body appears and splashes to the ground, then next an arm, a leg, a torso, another leg up until finally a disfigured face appears. Magnimans' eyes are still locked onto mine the whole time, and mine his.

"Wai- Wait, I know this power, it can't be! He's dead! You'r-" his last henchman brought to a sharp stop, his lungs suddenly implode and blood spurts out violently. Just as he is falling down, like in reverse, his body returns to it's previous state "No! WAIT PLEA**-**" Pop. I was already bored of that the first time around, his lifeless body slams against the floor for good this time.

It should have ended there, Felicity needs to be fed, She lets me know when she needs this.

"I really must feed her, Timothy." My voices soothen.

"How are you alive? The world watched you die?!" Magniman existentially questions with a limp expression and body, Felicity jumps down now and purrs while rubbing against my leg.

"We cannot die Timothy." My voices laugh "Everything repeats itself, I am merely an Echo."

His eyes finally disengage mine, his eyes drag down to see Julie's half torn body, and looks back up at my smiling through the window.

I hope Felicity likes her new wet food, though I don't like the sound of screaming much.



First story, I'm not a great writer but I got bored at 6 AM. <3