Delbert3US t1_je1wh0h wrote
Reply to comment by CygnusX-1-2112b in How racing drones are used as improvised missiles in Ukraine - They are light, fast and cheap by speckz
I think it is that currently they have to be individually controlled and are somewhat short ranged. That control signal can be tracked and intercepted.
Once they can be more autonomous, then the flood gates open.
Delbert3US t1_jdcko1j wrote
Reply to New 'biohybrid' implant will restore function in paralyzed limbs | "This interface could revolutionize the way we interact with technology." by chrisdh79
This could also be used as a control interface for devices I would think.
Delbert3US t1_je2kv4i wrote
Reply to comment by StatusSea5409 in How racing drones are used as improvised missiles in Ukraine - They are light, fast and cheap by speckz
I was talking more about signal tracking to the source. The farther away the longer you have to track the signal to its source.