
DelcoScum t1_j5g79uo wrote

The problem is that even if the outcome isn't being influenced directly, it is still being influenced.

If the previous generation of your family/community statistically migrated to a career path, you are more likely to follow. For demographics that were discriminated against, this means that they still feel the effects of that discrimination, even though they might not have actually faced the same discrimination (they do, for the record, but were just talking in theory).

So do you ignore the problem or create small changes, and allow the minority to continue to feel the effects of those previous generations, but at the same time being more fair to the current candidates?

Or do you Overcorrect temporarily in an attempt to stimulate those communities and create normalcy throughout every demographic, but at the same time admittedly create a new kind of discrimination?

It's a nuanced discussion with no clear answer. At the end of the day skilled jobs are finite, so someone is going to lose out.


DelcoScum t1_j3xdx68 wrote

Great info!

I'll just add, anyone serious about dieting should look into the different forms of macronutrients and how they can affect you. I usually recommend bodybuilding forums/websites, even if you're not into lifting weights, as that's where you'll find a lot of dedicated science and information while avoiding a lot of the pseudoscience designed to strip you of more money than body fat. Don't get me wrong, that's still very much prevalent. But it tends to have a lot more information:bullshit ratio than websites dedicated to dieting.