
Delta4o t1_jb4h7zg wrote

I'm in the middle of moving out. I do buy premium stuff but once I do, I'm very happy with the stuff that I have. In the long run I save a lot of money. I do plan on putting everything that I don't use in managed stocks for the next couple of years because the way how things are going I have little to no faith in having a pension fund when I retire.


Delta4o t1_jb4cx9p wrote

I wouldn't even know what to do with that much money. I have 5K in the bank and I don't even know what to do with it. I'd keep it a secret and anonymously donate most of it to charities, family, friends and probably invest the rest in initiatives to make houses more sustainable for those who can't afford it.


Delta4o t1_j5oawwa wrote

Wanna hear a good one? I work at the same company and same team as my brother. Last week he was late for the 2 hour long train ride, so I ordered coffee for him for when he showed up (he does the same for me). I was standing in the door of the train and he was still not there. I heard the whistle and thought "fuck it, I'll take the next one with him" and stepped out as the doors were closing. When he saw that I willingly missed the train he said "omg you stupid idiot, why the F didn't you take the train". He barely spoke to me during the 2 hour train ride.

When we were at the office he ratted me out to my colleagues and they laughed at me...

People have always laughed at me for missing busses or trains and have never done anything about it. I decide to not leave my brother out in the cold and I get yelled at...


Delta4o t1_j2mh4nw wrote

definitely not going to speedrun anything with the girl I'm dating right now. All the other girls I chatted or dated with I speedran every important suitable and not suitable for work detail up until the first date and we both ended up saying "yeah no, I'm not interested anymore".

This time, I'm taking my time and SHE asked ME out for the second time which has literally never happened before! I'm going to enjoy every single second we have together!


Delta4o t1_itn9c3p wrote

It's a giant job creation scam/extortion. They all want jobs (or contracts) for the amount of taxpayer money their state provides. It adds a ton of overhead and bureaucracy to get anything off of the ground (pun not intended).

The moment a space program is canceled it threatens jobs. They'll redirect that into other political decisions and eventually, you'll get space shuttle program version 3.4.216, the "almost to orbit" program.