
DennyJunkshin86 t1_iwzjhot wrote

Used to be mink farms all over these parts before i was born. ( Minnesota and the 70s) now there is only one and a bunch of animal rights people let all the mink loose one night. Luckily, the majority of the mink didn't know what the hell happened and stayed there. A few were spotted out in the wild though.


DennyJunkshin86 t1_itdwj0w wrote

No need for any apologies. I like hearing from someone who was actually there. It sounds like you have a up close and unique experience. Can I ask how in the hell did you find yourself there for so long? I'm American and I don't have a passport and don't care to travel much. My roots are firmly planted. So switching up countries of residence is very interesting to me. Any good stories you care to share?