
DepGrez t1_ixeteva wrote

Yes. 2019-2020 summer was brutal and this was the bushfire season that got the worlds attention due to literally everything being on fire. However shortly after the bushfires we've had 3 consecutive La Nina weather cycles meaning since Feb 2020 we've basically had above average rainfall and a lot of flooding.


DepGrez t1_iuk2hdl wrote

As much as there are bones to pick with the CCP and USA vs China and blah blah blah everyones bad blah blah blah.... the real important point is that collaboration between countries in space is a really important olive branch in these tense geopolitical times and so news of China's space ambitions growing is probably a good thing overall. I am not worried. I am more worried about climate change, impending fascism in the USA and yknow, just living.