
DiCatto t1_j2e7zri wrote

Sound like you have a dream job as far as the arrangements go, with a decent if not spectacular pay.

You can find that a new job gives you a 20% raise but the work-life balance sucks.

Since your hubby is making about $160k (judging by your post) I don't think it's worth it, personally.


DiCatto t1_j2e7ib0 wrote

20 years from retirement ? I'd put most of it in an index fund, or something that closely resembles index.

At my previous job I also had Fidelity, and put everything into Contrafund. It performs pretty much like an index fund, going a little lower in recession, but a little higher in good years. Worked out well for me - as long as I was ready to dismiss it dropping down in recession.

Now that I am about 10 years away from when I'd like to sort of semi-retire, I have turned to a more conservative plan. But Contrafund made me a lot of money over the years.


DiCatto t1_j2e5yus wrote

>Food vendors raise rates all the time but no one would pay a 3% food cost recovery fee when visiting a restaurant. Its the cost of doing business.

They just lower the portion sizes, get rid of expensive ingredients, increase prices, or all of the above.

Any cost will be passed down to the customer. Including the "cost of doing business". The problem is when the cost is not disclosed upfront. If I am buying a $12 burger, it's a $12 burger. Period.