
Different_Access6316 t1_j5da3u4 wrote

It sounds unsound: $9.3 billion for a 462 MW capacity poweplant and $119 per MWh price without subsidies.

Current prices for off shore wind is generally around $4000 per KW capacity or $1.8 Billion for 462 MW capacity poweplant. So basically you still have $7.5 billion left.

24 hours of battery storage is around $2000 per KW capacity, and around $1 billion for 24 hrs backup of a 462 MW load

In practice Off-shore, can be much cheaper, a recent project was $1.4 billion for 600 MW capacity, and a $55 per MWh price.

So basically the final per MWh price projection of the NuScale project with government subsidies has progressed like this:
2016: $55 per MWh
2021: $58 per MWh
2023: $89 per MWh (or $119 MWh without government subsidies)
On shore wind is around $32 per MWh
Off shore wind is around $84 per MWh, projected to decline to $60 by 2030