
Direct_Crab6651 t1_j28yjik wrote

The rent is too damn high. So many great places have left China town, now the not so great massive chains are next. For them the juice is not worth the squeeze.

Places will continue to sit empty as landlords wait for the next place to come along and pay their insanely high rents


Direct_Crab6651 t1_j1zcwcv wrote

This is so correct and frankly does not go far enough. Everyday at the zoo is a shell of its former self without Fonz. So many stands and booths are never open without Fonz. There are so few volunteers at the animal exhibits to share knowledge. The worker quality of effort has fallen off a cliff.

Honestly it seems like the zoo admin thought they did not have to share revenue anymore with Fonz and could do what they did so easily without them. At first I thought, well give it time and it will get better, but now years in it is still a mess and I debate even keeping zoo membership. Don’t get me wrong, the zoo keepers, vets, and animal care is still clearly first class, but everything not animals has been a disaster since Fonz left.

If the zoo was smart in this post lockdown world they should reach out and try to bring back Fonz and as many people who were involved as possible. Come to a new agreement and make it work because it really is a shame how all the extras around the zoo that made it the best (imo) has totally collapsed and for locals who would go a dozen or so times a year it really is a shell of its former self