
DogeAutist t1_ja5k25u wrote

Everyone in the household works. It's not a theory. I see it daily. And if one or two lose job the family gets replaced or the throw another in the living room.

Nowhere to put a manufactured homes (where I'm at anyways)and even then you have to rent the land and that goes up annually as well.

Also, most these people work in a variation of service industry. They will always have work cleaning houses, taking care of children, fixing cars. And that work at this price point is just not possible if they move 1 hour outside of the city in a manufactured home.

I'm in Cali, so I know this ain't the norm, but it's what I'm seeing here. Think about it, how is it different than 4 college kids renting a 3 bedroom and two splitting the master.


DogeAutist t1_ja5ho3d wrote

Supply and demand amigo. Arbitrary numbers mean nothing. Rental increases are sustained until a better option presents itself for the rentors. Three families in a 3 bedroom two bath home, kids sleeping in closets. This shit is normal. I suspect it will continue as I don't see interest rates dropping anytime soon, and talk of the housing crash has spooked alot of new construction.