
Don_Bugen t1_jedo7r2 wrote

I didn’t ask because I don’t care. I mean, I assumed you didn’t own a Switch because you’re throwing a temper tantrum that a six-year-old tablet isn’t in 4K. That implies you’re smart enough to do the research (because you can form words and sentences together), yet dumb enough to not understand the amount of power required to run true 4K, and that a Switch that could do 4K would be another generation (like what Steam Deck is).

The fact that you said you’re not buying “another” Switch kinda makes you look worse, TBH. Like, you didn’t even bother to look it up before you bought it. What did you think you were buying? A toaster?

No, one person’s point of view isn’t another person’s tantrum. A point of view isn’t giant run-on sentences with a mock question/answer followed by a blind insult to every person who might downvote them. A point of view is, “I hate that they come out with consoles that have special designs themed towards games; they should only be releasing the base Switch until they go next gen. Also, their ports of Wii U games suck.” See the difference?

Lastly, the reason I bring up “Nintendo subreddit” versus “gaming subreddit” is because of your “Insult everyone who downvotes me” schtick. A Nintendo sub might downvote-bomb someone for having a valid negative opinion about Nintendo, but a gaming subreddit is diverse. Plenty of people don’t like Nintendo, but for level-headed, thought out reasons. They’ll downvote you if you’re acting crazy, being an asshole, or just dead wrong.


Don_Bugen t1_j6p865x wrote

I grew up in the 90s, bruh. Not a popular kid. And reading OP voice his fears on how he'd be perceived made me think back to it. "No one's attacking straight men here?" Dude, straight men attack each other for not looking straight enough, and everyone else attacks straight men if they seem too straight. Just like 2itemcombo below says "They are indirectly saying they are so fragile that looking at a guy's ass will make them gay."

This isn't a "Oh boo hoo you straight cis males you must have it so hard" but more of a "Come on, can't we be reasonable here" thing.

>Someone who indicates, even with hyperbole, loudly and publicly that they ignore these things to focus on visual arousal is indicating themselves to be a shallow and vulgar person. This is true whether they're a straight male, and straight woman, or a queer person.

And that's a fine opinion to have. I share the same opinion on loud, public, unprovoked declarations. As I said before, the only time I've heard this was when someone was confronted by another person who could not understand why a straight male was playing as a female (like Old-Passenger-9065, who started this) and was put into a position that they had to defend their sexuality.

If someone declares this loudly and publicly, without provocation, sure, that's a shallow and vulgar person. However, I will not judge someone who does so because another person is questioning them, because I don't know what is on the line for them, and as a non-macho dude I've been in that situation way too much. I have also known in my life heterosexual, homosexual, and pansexual people who have been in real danger or actually suffered real consequences because they didn't "present their sexuality" well enough. You run into all sorts as a foster parent in an urban area.

Old-Passenger-9065 is a good example of this - and I'm not saying a thing about him, personally, but the situation in general. A spouse looking over her husband's shoulder, seeing that he's always choosing to play as a woman, even in story and roleplay-heavy games... "Uh... why are you always playing as women, honey?" In many - not all, of course but many - relationships, that would immediately bring in tension. Is there something you haven't told me? Am I not enough? Maybe the spouse is mature enough either to understand the real, eloquently-stated explanation you gave about story, character, motivation... maybe they're not. Maybe this would put a strain on the relationship. It's hard to tell.


Don_Bugen t1_j6n4r36 wrote

... I'm not sure you and I are on the same page as all. After all, this isn't "I swear, I only do this to ogle the waifus," this is " If I'm going to be watching a character animation, I want it to be attractive" with a side order of "Stop questioning my sexuality, asshole."

Theres nothing inherently embarrassing about being attracted to women. You're projecting your own emotion on the hypothetical person. That's fine if YOU feel it's more embarrassing, but by and large I think most people would just feel far more embarrassed to have someone attack their sexuality or gender.

For example: if I noticed that my trans male friend had a female avatar in most of the online games we played, and I said something to him in public like "Uh huh, what does this REALLY say about you?" I'd be DAMN LUCKY if he responded saying something like "It says I like staring at a nice ass" and left it alone.

It's fine to feel like people are altogether uptight and need to chill about this stuff, but you can't treat one person in a way that you'd never dream of treating anyone else, just because his sexuality and gender match a "Cis Male Gamer Stereotype." This isnt the 90s anymore, and you can't assume this comes from a place of toxicity or homophobia. Attacking someone's orientation or gender is something that no one likes.


Don_Bugen t1_j6lhdan wrote

Of course. Typically, the people who use this explanation use it as a defense because others are implying that playing as a woman means they’re identifying as a woman, and this is meant as an easily-understood assertion of one’s own gender and sexual orientation. The statement itself is intended to make the accuser back off.

I don’t think that a quip is out of line for asserting one’s sexuality or gender when others are trying to put the wrong label on it. After all, like it’s been previously stated, no one’s seriously ogling that ass for the full game. Least, no one older than fifteen.

I don’t see bands of macho Alpha males all choosing the female option and wolf whistling each other; just a bunch of regular guys defending why they made a simple choice, against both the Alpha Macho Men who see them as “less than,” and the few LGBTQ+ members who like to make fun of the straights and mock them for being “insecure”.


Don_Bugen t1_j6l0ccf wrote

It’s not an excuse; it’s simply a way of saying “I want the character I’m looking at for 100+ hours of the game to be something that is visually appealing to me, rather than be some sort of representation of who I am.”

I can relate to this. Grizzled war veteran with a buzz cut and huge muscles doesn’t look like me, no matter if I give it blond hair and a beard. Some of my favorite games have female protagonists (FFVI, BG&E, Metroid) so if you give me male or female Commander Shepherd, FemShep wins out.