
DontSleep1131 t1_j6gy221 wrote

Chapelle like many people who talk about cancel culture alot have not in fact ever been canceled. a portion of the population got offended, which happens all the time, it used to be religious groups.

now they use, im getting cancelled, line as form of advertising. its a way to draw in some of their fanbase. its very tried and true tactic.

and it works.


DontSleep1131 t1_j6gqyj8 wrote

I mean, you can blame them. but ultimately someone at the network fucked up by not requesting a copy with that edited out (im also assuming they have quality control and review materials before airing them).

honestly i didnt know this about EAS until now, but judging from the comments from people who have worked in broadcasting it seems to be common knowledge, so seems like the blame lies with the network more so than the person chopping movie clips for advertising.