
DonttFearTheReaper t1_j21q69g wrote

So I looked into this a bit. One of the articles I read stated that "the thing that makes this case unusual" is that it was a cop who was the last person to see him.

I guess this could all make sense if he had a set of spare keys. He knew the sibling was at work so just... took the car without their permission. So the sibling, not having a car, calls the cops primarily to report the car missing and who they think took it (hence why it was so soon) and the cops realized it was the guy they had dropped there yesterday.


DonttFearTheReaper t1_j212f4h wrote

Wait, so let me try and analyze this.

  • Dude gets locked out of his car in like... a parking lot or something? It doesn't say.

  • Instead of AAA or a tow truck or whatever he calls Peabody PD for assistance, and of course they can't do shit so they drop him off at "a family member's place of work" (was there spare keys there?)

  • The cop that drove him, not the family member whose place of work it was, is the last person to have seen him.

  • The next day, the family reports him missing... both he, and the same car he couldn't get into, are gone?

Maybe the article did a really bad job explaining the details, but this is way sus.