
DonutsNCoffeee t1_jeekmum wrote

I struggle with this! I'm originally from a place with a Mediterranean climate so the cold and dark winters really do a number on me.

It helps to get outside during the winter and to stay active. That's really the only thing that keeps me going. I despise the mornings when I have wake up even earlier for work to scrape ice off my car. It makes me question why I even live here lol. I dream of moving back to Australia one day.


DonutsNCoffeee t1_j14cpq6 wrote

The roads in West Hartford and a lot of other built up areas in CT are just too big. People have all this space so they think they can safely cruise along at 50mph in a 30mph zone. Try driving in Europe and there’s no way you can hit 50mph on their city streets because they are too narrow. If forces the driver to slow down. Being a pedestrian in the US is fucking scary.