
DopeDetective t1_j2540oc wrote

they dont sell to the masses though. they almost thrive on creating a class divide. they aren't accessible at all, they're expensive as fuck. they're a status symbol & I think that's the only reason people view them the way they do. they reslly dont do anything a cheaper android cant do. I dont understand whats so complicated about an android to people.


DopeDetective t1_j2516s4 wrote

lol no they didn't. youre clearly a fanboi. they took what android phones already did and just slightly built on it, that's not revolutionary. ive never had an iPhone, androids dont suck.

if anything, Apple created a dumber version if youre saying they have braindead customers. making something dumb isn't revolutionary lol. Android is revolutionary in that they started it all, continue to evolve, and offers many more options at much more affordable prices


american teenagers obsess over iPhones. the world chooses Android.

Android holds 71% of the market world-wide. IPhone is only 28%


DopeDetective t1_j1elhmm wrote

a narcissist can be very kind & generous to the outside world. they can be the most helpful person in the room. they might even be deeply involved with volunteer work or the church.

it's all about building an image. but they're cruel to their own families behind doors. it also shields them if their victims ever come forward, no one really believes someone so nice could be so bad.


DopeDetective t1_j0id1wa wrote

that might be where we're headed but ideally everyone should be boosted due to the long term affects that covid can cause even in the young & healthy which, over time, could have extremely negative consequences on us as a population


DopeDetective t1_j07bpku wrote

yeah I wouldn't be surprised if this is fairly common and the reason people will say "what?" first and then respond

I've also had a few times where I simply couldn't process what someone was saying & even after multiple tries it still sounded like gibberish to me.


DopeDetective t1_izeuqav wrote

it's thought to be related to estrogen. estrogen is linked to increased risk of cancer as well. whereas testosterone seems to have immunosuppressive properties & possibly the reason men are less likely to have autoimmune disorders.


DopeDetective t1_ix8sjw4 wrote

the study says that alertness requires a high carb breakfast & glucose response. some people have a genetic predisposition that makes this impossible & these people were excluded from the study. what am I missing.


DopeDetective t1_ix5u94a wrote

there's a gene that allows people to be fully rested after 4hrs. so clearly sleep quantity is influenced by genetics. circadian rythm is influenced by genetics.. theres just so much that is influenced by genetics that it just seems misleading to say there is no genetic connection the way they claim


DopeDetective t1_ix41g8p wrote

what about type 1 diabetes? type 2 diabetes is also genetic

i guess my issue is that they really only looked at healthy people. if you exclude a bunch of people who have a genetic predisposition then of course youre not going to find a genetic relationship

"Study participants were healthy individuals aged 18–65 years, who were able to provide written informed consent. Exclusion criteria included ongoing inflammatory disease; cancer in the last three years (excluding skin cancer); long-term gastrointestinal disorders including irritable bowel disease or Celiac disease (gluten allergy), but not including irritable bowel syndrome; taking immunosuppressants or antibiotics as daily medication within the last three months; capillary glucose level of >12 mmol l–1 (or 216 mg dl–1), or type 1 diabetes mellitus, or taking medication for type 2 diabetes mellitus; currently experiencing acute clinically diagnosed depression; heart attack (myocardial infarction) or stroke in the last 6 months; pregnancy; and vegan or experiencing an eating disorder or unwilling to consume foods that are part of the study. "


DopeDetective t1_ix40v3h wrote

right they excluded a bunch of people who are genetically predisposed to poor sleep due to underlying conditions and then claimed there's no genetic relationship.

like if you cant eat high carb due to a genetic condition then you're never going to be able to meet those 4 requirements & therefore genetically predisposed to poor sleep.


DopeDetective t1_ix3zpdc wrote

no, i think it mostly says that if you are healthy & therefore genetically predispositioned for good sleep then you can still disrupt it by not following these 4 things

but if you are predispositioned for bad sleep then these 4 things probably won't help

"Study participants were healthy individuals aged 18–65 years, who were able to provide written informed consent. Exclusion criteria included ongoing inflammatory disease; cancer in the last three years (excluding skin cancer); long-term gastrointestinal disorders including irritable bowel disease or Celiac disease (gluten allergy), but not including irritable bowel syndrome; taking immunosuppressants or antibiotics as daily medication within the last three months; capillary glucose level of >12 mmol l–1 (or 216 mg dl–1), or type 1 diabetes mellitus, or taking medication for type 2 diabetes mellitus; currently experiencing acute clinically diagnosed depression; heart attack (myocardial infarction) or stroke in the last 6 months; pregnancy; and vegan or experiencing an eating disorder or unwilling to consume foods that are part of the study. "


DopeDetective t1_ix3ogzc wrote

well for example, a person could eat well, exercise daily, and go to bed with time for 8hrs of sleep but if they have sleep apnea or insomnia (genetic conditions) theyre still not going to wakeup feeling rested.

on the other hand, there are people with a gene that allows them to only need 4hrs of sleep so they would be just fine staying up super late

people with diabetes (genetic) can't have high carb breakfasts and their glucose response doesn't work so they will never achieve all 4 of these important things & that's caused by genetics


DopeDetective t1_ix3lc4t wrote


DopeDetective t1_ix3b9ek wrote

I change up my sleeping routine somewhat often. I was previously doing 12-7 but now I'm doing 9-4 which I actually really enjoy for the peaceful alone time in the morning

might not have any relation but I only sleep on my back as well


DopeDetective t1_ix3a5p8 wrote

I think there is probably a genetic component as well

im very unhealthy as far as food/exercise & I only seem to need 6-7hrs of sleep

I wake up instantly in the morning with no grogginess & I'm immediately out of bed
