
Dorian1267 t1_je3drax wrote

My grandpa had a little statue of Guan Yu, looks so bad ass.

When he died, my husband asked if we could have it but my mum said it's not just a statue, it's a God, we have to respect it, worship it and serve it tea. We were like, yeah na, not doing that for a statue.

My uncle ended up taking it home and it's in a mini shrine.

And my family is not even religious!


Dorian1267 t1_j4apyjn wrote

I try to make a general rule to ensure the kitchen is clean before I go to bed.

Because, whenever I'm too tired and tempted to just the leave the dishes in the sink for the next day, I remind myself that 100% of the time when I clean the kitchen before going to bed, I'm glad I did it the next morning.

Never ever, in the morning and I'm making breakfast in a clean kitchen, have I wished that I just left the dishes in the sink the night before.