
Doxbox49 t1_je2mwqq wrote

So it has nothing to do with the fact that it’s mostly US and Russian personal manning it because we have/had the space programs? And Muslims don’t make up a large percentage of either population. Seems pretty straight forward why it took so long. But ya, religion, that’s why.


Doxbox49 t1_jdxubvh wrote

I feel like you haven’t read a single word I wrote or thought about it. You seem pretty dead set that you are right which is fine. Just remember to keep an open mind. We are still a young species trying to grasp at very large subjects which we have no or very limited understanding of


Doxbox49 t1_jdxc3av wrote

Well since we’re trying to insult each other now. I think your comparisons are pretty dumb. Absence of a belief is a tad different from absence of a tangible object. Also recommend calming down and not getting so upset over an internet conversation.

Let’s make it super simple.

You believe there is nothing. Some people believe there is something. Neither group can either prove or disprove their theory with current human knowledge and technology.

We haven’t even mastered fusion yet, one of the most common things in the universe. We haven’t left our solar system (voyager sort of). We haven’t even sent a man to the next planet over. We have no way to prove atoms exist in the form we currently believe is correct. Hell, gravity is still a theory because we technically can’t prove it. So many unknowns and yet you are 100% certain you know there is no higher power. Yes, I’d call that a bit of faith considering all the unknowns still to be discovered

Edit: downvoted every comment, replied, then blocked me before I could even read the reply. Oh well


Doxbox49 t1_jdx5zzt wrote

You pretty much just agreed with what I said lol. You believe lack of evidence is proof there is nothing. And you believe you have the answer just like religious people believe they do. There is or there isn’t. Two sides of the same coin.


Doxbox49 t1_jdx2yv0 wrote

That there is nothing. No higher power. The same way religious people believe in what they can not prove. Atheist believe since they can’t find evidence, it does not exist. No one has proven there is or isn’t a higher power to the universe. No one knows the answers.


Doxbox49 t1_jdwbws2 wrote

But individuals that practice a religion on the space station while also doing their duties isn’t a fucking issue. The guy was accepted to work on the ISS and we are focusing on the fact he’s a Muslim who prays. Could be any religion though and people would still hate on it. This man probably worked his ass off for the chance but here we are, focusing on trivial shit


Doxbox49 t1_jdw8fu9 wrote

Lot of hate here for people doing something that doesn’t effect them in the least bit. Some people are religious, get the fuck over it

Edit: you guys really need to be a bit more open and accepting. The all religion is bad crowd is just as annoying as a religious person shoving it down your throat. I bet most of you are atheist which is funny. You believe lack of evidence is proof. Truth is, no one knows the answers so let people have their faith
