
Dr4zhar t1_je99014 wrote

Quite frankly, I'm about to lose interest in Hollow Knight Silksong.

I'm even replaying the first HK from the start again, but I'm quickly getting bored.

"Most anticipated game", years of silence, various playable demos released in years, last update pretty much in September 2022. I'm really about to just pass on to Ori and goodbye.


Dr4zhar t1_je4qpf5 wrote

Yeah, we all saw that graphics are basically the same, gameplay is basically the same and mechanics are probably gonna be the same with mild additions.

Like Zelda games always presented huge developments compared to the previous ones. They've always been average games that captured us with lore, characters, setting and nostalgia. Maybe they were innovative some 1 or 2 decades ago, now it's just gonna be your umpteenth 3rd person action rpg but this time the protagonist is Link.


Dr4zhar t1_j6mzjr8 wrote

Really? I think they made two expansions free pretty recently then, I remember playing not so many years ago and everything was still capped at lvl 60. I remember I got there with my sith juggernaut way before even hinting at the fact that >!you eventually kill your master. !<

Anyhow, class stories are very nice and the dialogues go from grim dark to utter comedy. I remember this game as another huge wasted occasion for a masterpiece.


Dr4zhar t1_j6me0da wrote

This game is basically a point and click if you don't take bosses into account. If you have a healer with you, average mobs will never even put you in jeopardy.

However, awesome dialogue, very nice atmosphere, huge maps (maybe even too big), quite diverse, enough planets, nice iconic characters, slightly comedic at times.

Oh, of course since it's EA what you'll get for free is basically a glorified demo. You'll need to pay for the full thing.


Dr4zhar t1_j6mcitz wrote

One of the best survival horrors ever. I remember playing this game with a similar feeling to the first F.E.A.R.: it scared me a bit (rarely and way less than f.e.a.r.) but it was too good to drop it.

Unfortunately the game, despite the remaster, has not aged that well. A next gen remaster/rework would have me with my pants down day one for sure.