
DrStefanFrank t1_iy4o9ss wrote

I thought about that some time ago.

An Amp that's basically just a mountable big knob called "The Knob". Offering different turning ranges, adjustable "click" intervals, firmness and loudness (of course including full and softer half clicks!) as well as adjustable resistance (and perhaps even adjustable dead range or whatever it's called in english with spring action) in "smooth mode", which obviously would have to be absolutely buttery smooth.

I'm sure as long as it had a solid high quality amp, excellent machining and craftsmanship there would be a market for such a ridiculously wonderful product!


DrStefanFrank t1_iy4m8bs wrote

Thank you very much! That's really good to know about Android. I would've never known without you taking the time to write a thorough comment. Really appreciated. I guess it's the same deal with Ibasso dongles on Android and their UAC app for controlling volume and in general with dongles that allow seperate volume control somehow, right?

Now, if someone could tell me how it is with BT connections I'm all set. I usually enable "direct volume control/DVC" because the poweramp equalizer app suggested it somewhere for some reason I don't remember rn, then keep the android device on max volume and use the BT devices volume control separately.

I think it's right but I'm unsure. Should it be enabled or disabled for best SQ?