
DrTreadmill t1_j6aivph wrote

That makes sense and I see what you’re saying. This has been how we’ve approached other purchases and I’ll talk more with her about it cooperatively. While we’d talked pricing I guess I had felt that it was taboo, even though she hasn’t said anything that it would be, to talk about it as a joint purchase. Maybe just a societal norm I held? Or my own predilection to want to provide? Food for thought. Thanks!


DrTreadmill t1_j6aieym wrote

Thanks for the perspective from down the line. As much as she says it’s ok to not have exactly what she wants I want to try to get her what she’d want which isn’t that extravagant in the first place. Details about what she’s liked aren’t as important here but if I can provide that gift I want to. I guess that’s what I was asking here was how others had went about it.

Congratulations on forty years!


DrTreadmill t1_j6ag70h wrote

So you all both saved towards the engagement ring?

I hadn’t considered including her finances in that picture but I feel like I would feel super guilty if I did. Maybe that’s the traditionalist on me? Idk. That’s an interesting angle.

We do both know each other’s finances really well. I have considerably higher overhead than her at similar salaries. She’s done awesome for herself and has saved enough she could buy her own ring twice over tomorrow. Proud of her. I’d need to save up more before I’d feel ok with her chipping in on her own ring.