
DragonBank t1_ja8sjw9 wrote

Money supply and money demand(which is loosely what prices are.) are linked but not a perfect ratio, such that a 10% increase in supply won't perfectly follow with a 10% increase in demand.
Current inflation being "weird" is because there are many simultaneous causes here. Covid money isn't the only or primary one.


DragonBank t1_j2varsm wrote

Reply to comment by mgsloan in 2022 Asset Return [OC] by rosetechnology

But even then the others aren't labeled with exchange rates in mind so it makes no sense. If I take a dollar and put it in equities I lose 25 pct. If I take a dollar and put it in dollars I have the same investment I started with. If I take a foreign currency and invest in a dollar I may make a gain, but if I take a foreign currency and invest it in us bonds or us assets I lose an amount that isn't the number pictured here.