
Dragonborn83196 t1_jeh36gw wrote

Ratings in US are strange and UK in some ways is a lot more strict (I’ve come to learn). For example, Titanic has a scene of very obvious nudity and is only PG-13, but there have been films like Halloween (2018) where there’s just a couple of frames of it. Maybe 3 moments where there’s I guess a “decent” amount of blood and it’s rated R. I suppose censors look at the “context” I honestly have no clue because I’m just as confused sometimes. Just like Paranormal Activity is rated R but it’s only because the F word is said a small handful of times along with some minor PG-13 cussing.


Dragonborn83196 t1_jegk7xn wrote

Can’t say anything about the latter as I’ve never seen it. But Rocky Horror will always have a special place in my heart. The only other one I enjoy possibly more and it’s only because of the music is Repo! The Genetic Opera


Dragonborn83196 t1_jegda8d wrote

Unfortunately a lot of people I know, my wife, sister, dad, cousins and a few other friends in my life do not like reading subtitles and they will shit on movies that are dubbed because it looks and sounds cheap. I am in a completely different league and have come to enjoy a lot of foreign films over American ones. Particularly in the horror genre but others as well


Dragonborn83196 t1_jebs8sc wrote

Maybe to the younger generations, but for someone like me not really. I’m sure later on in life when the ones we all know and love have gone, the newer generations are going to look at the ones you mentioned and say so. I really dig Evan Peters and Robert Pattinson has come to surprise me recently. Also Tom Holland for The Devil All The Time (which also had Pattinson)


Dragonborn83196 t1_je4fuhk wrote

I tend to fall asleep well to comedies, I will either pop on Rick and Morty which I’ve probably seen each episode 100 times, Airplane, Spaceballs, Robing Hood Men in Tights. Humor has always been my go to for soothing and to assist in turning my brain off, which is something I have a very difficult time doing on my own


Dragonborn83196 t1_jdvwd5v wrote

I think Watchmen semi addresses this. For example, there’s a scene where Edward Blake/The Comedian, is walking out of an alley way and you see two parents with a little boy during the opening montage, which we are lead to assume both of Bruce’s parents lived along with Bruce. Also they use Dr. Manhattan in the Vietnam war and he just dominates everything in which the US ends up winning the war instead of just pulling out and giving up


Dragonborn83196 t1_jdt6qs0 wrote

Interesting. I didn’t watch Rocky Horror until I meet my now ex, her dad used watch the midnight premieres back in the day when it first started to develop a cult following. So first we watched the movie together, I loved it, I watched it again like 20 times by myself and learned the callouts. But her dad was one of the few people I know to have seen shock treatment and told me not to bother. But as I said maybe one of these I’ll check it out