
DriftMantis t1_j9vxk30 wrote

I think the nature of reality is always a self constructed byproduct of conciousness itself. In other words, reality or ultimate truth is not a fixed thing that exists outside of our grasp. It is only a truth in so far as we can percieve it as such.

In a sense this makes sense because you can assume humans have conjured some version of consensus reality, which is an abstracted version of reality as it appears to us. Therefore, we can assume to some extra terestrial alien out there they may have a different version of reality that they percieve which may overlap with ours in someway or perhaps not at all.

If you could gain the perspective of every perspective, forever, simultaneously, I would assume you would become god at that point, the experience of which is ultimate reality itself.

Your ego as a concious waking human can not percieve ultimate reality because your ego will block it from happening and only allow understanding of limited everyday constructed reality.


DriftMantis t1_j861jas wrote

If microsoft wasn't locking people out of a new OS then no one would even need to upgrade. You can still hit 60fps in most games with like a 10 year old four core cpu.

If your not looking to game a lot of things that you needed a desktop cpu for are now done on smartphones or apple hardware. That leaves gaming, and the industry is such a mess there are only a few triple a games worth a shit anyway.