
DriveRVA t1_jecxwrg wrote

Charles Chisholm Home System Inspections


Mr. Chisholm did my home inspection 6 years ago. My Realtor said she always recommends him because "He climbs up and crawls under to see every part of the house". He found plenty of things to negotiate with the seller. Looks like he has not update his website to https so you might get a warning but its just an older site.


DriveRVA t1_ject72i wrote

fill your bin and clear bags for what will go in them. If you have a pile of branches put it out next to the bins and they are supposed to grab them on the day of your recycling pickup but more often than not when it does not happen that day just call it in and they will circle around to pick it up Phone No. 804-646-6430


DriveRVA t1_jcvon98 wrote

Hannover and Dinwiddie County provide a contact list for civil Marriage Celebrants but I believe they are certified for the state and not just their county. Richmond, Henrico, Chesterfield, and Mechanicsville don't provide a list like this that I could find when I was looking 2 years ago. Congratulations


DriveRVA t1_jb56s8e wrote

Here is a summary of Small Claims court in VA. Sometimes just the threat of going to court is enough to get the other person to pay up because in court besides the actual damage cost you can ask for reimbursement of court fees and the cost of your time to take off of work to be in court. I can not say if a judge would award you everything but the dollar signs add up even just for a threat.

You can let them know something like "I am reaching out to you one last time before I file a formal suit in court where I will be seeing my repair costs, court fees, and compensation for the day off of work I will need to take to attend. I would still like to work this out between ourselves directly or with your insurance company but I will take these next steps if this is not resolved"

I am not a lawyer and no one would ever mistake me for one, this is just my own opinion of your options


DriveRVA t1_j8n6a2l wrote

Have you been visiting more breweries? I do not have celiac disease but it is in my family so I do have an intolerance to grain that I first noticed when drinking from the wonderful breweries around town and as I have gotten older it has expanded to some of the more processed generic bread brands. I am fine getting bread from local bakeries


DriveRVA t1_isaupct wrote

Reply to comment by burdell69 in Pops poker freeroll by SKINS_IV

I really think the terrible outcome of the football training facility deal factored into people's votes against that. Regardless that one deal was nothing like the other people just vote against anything supported by the city.