
DroidScribe t1_iu9fyhc wrote

Gotcha. And I agree. I mostly disagree with the implication that boob and dick size are factors that cannot be altered. They can. I also think altering your appearance to stay in a relationship with a shallow significant other is ridiculous and not worth it. You should acknowledge their right to be shallow and send them on their merry way. Somewhere there is a person who likes your dick and/or boobs just the way they are.


DroidScribe t1_iu9eel2 wrote

I wouldn't, many other people wouldn't. I'm sure as many people out there who would. And it's not your job to stop 'em. Or mine. Or anyone's. If people want to get together or break up for superficial reasons it's entirely their business and anyone who preaches about how it's wrong must be very salty and in need of a hug.