
Drs83 t1_iy64qks wrote

Some people don't realize just how much larger the US navy was in 1945 than the Japanese navy ever was. It was around a 4 to 1 ratio of major combat surface ships (carriers, destroyers, cruisers, etc) in favor of the United States. That's not accounting for the merchant fleet which was closer to a 10 to 1 ratio.


Drs83 t1_iy5zk1u wrote

The Japanese strategy at the time was built on the idea that they would win a decisive navel battle which would cause the United States to just decide it wasn't worth it and they'd quit. Even after Pearl Harbor they were trying to accomplish this through 1942 - 1943 when it finally dawned on the few reasonable individuals in leadership that they were going to lose.

The Japanese really had no intention of working with the Germans to accomplish much of anything and didn't really concern themselves with what was happening in Europe. The United States didn't use military force in Europe until Germany declared war on them. Some would even wonder if Germany hadn't declared war if the USA would have ever sent troops over. Even before Stalingrad, the Japanese were under the correct assumption that the Germans were not going to find success against the Russians. They were very resistant to offering any military support that might bring the Soviets into the conflict.

The Japanese simply made a wrong assumption about the military dedication of the United States once sovereign territory had been attacked. There were more than a few reasonable individuals in the Japanese government who tried desperately to dissuade Hideki Tōjō's hawkish desire to neutralize American holdings. The reality of the situation is that if the Japanese had not attacked any US holdings in the Pacific, the United States probably wouldn't have been drawn into al-out war and things would have gone better for the Japanese.


Drs83 t1_ixy5a04 wrote

The useless ones like masks in schools but not when having PE class or when presenting, masks in restaurants unless you're sitting at a table with a dozen people until you get up from the table and then magically masks are required again, somehow a kid turning 3 magically requiring a mask, silly 3 day absences from school for symptoms, still not letting parents attend school functions or more than one parent attending a teacher conference, the list goes on and on.

They still have tons of silly, pointless, wasteful, mandates that are just a power trip for those on top and a panic crutch for those on the bottom.

There are tons of people who are getting fed up with the silly mandates and it's 100% political at this point. There was a reason it kept coming up over and over again leading up to the elections yesterday.


Drs83 t1_ixx6vs6 wrote

"In April 2020, during the height of the pandemic, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, said he had been subject to racial slurs on the internet from Taiwanese accounts.

Taiwan responded by saying the slurs originated from China, but were made under the pretense of being Taiwanese people."

And then everyone in Taiwan laughed at the excuse knowing full well that Taiwanese keyboard warriors are just as racist as the rest of the world. No one who has ever been to Taiwan would be surprised to find out there were instances of racism.

China is such a convenient out for the Taiwaneae people at times. They have horrible air pollution but pretend to blame it on pollution blowing over from China so they don't have to address their own problems.


Drs83 t1_iw53rtg wrote

I don't understand why it's so hard to fathom how the coin ended up in Canada. Just because it was struck on a certain date, doesn't mean it had to travel to Canada during that time period. It could easily have been brought over later on.