
DrunkenOnzo t1_jdtlinq wrote

in 2021, it was 0 in... however many characters in in all movies released that year. Last year it was 2 in... however many characters were in all movies last year.

To be clear, not just main characters, not just important side characters, all characters.



DrunkenOnzo t1_j9jzvhg wrote

The USA has czars as well. Usually if it’s the ruler of Russia it’ll be spelled Tzar and if it’s a government appointment to oversee a specific thing then it’s spelled czar. Typically


DrunkenOnzo t1_j20pjrq wrote

It's the smallest possible length at which length can be defined. I brought it up originally because it's a length derived from universal constants; so even if we met aliens who have no understanding of how we measure, or do math, we will be able to translate our distances and their distances using planck-lengths. 1 miles = ______ planck lengths. 1 Blorb = ______ Plancklengths, so you can convert blorbs to miles without ever taking out a tape measure.


DrunkenOnzo t1_j0uzno1 wrote

Reply to comment by MahaloMax1 in Fusion energy by [deleted]

>Unfortunately renewable sources are also not currently feasible without fossil fuels to supplement during peak demand.

I think you'll be pleased to know that isn't true anymore! Energy storage and solar/wind yields have come a long way since the early 2000s. The barriers here are infrastructure, where the barriers of fusion is missing technology.


DrunkenOnzo t1_j0ur0dl wrote

Reply to Fusion energy by [deleted]

Fusion energy is not currently feasible. Fusion is an option to switch to AFTER moving to modern renewable sources like wind, solar, and nuclear. Fusion energy is, as the EPA said the other day, something for our grandkids. And to speculate what life would look like in 100 years, let alone how fusion energy would change life in 100 years from now, seems difficult at best.


DrunkenOnzo t1_j0uotfw wrote

I would really recommend looking into some of the staples of ethics and philosophy. It seems like you've got a lot of ideas but might lack the greater context needed to engage with those ideas in the way it seems like you want to.

Obviously other options are available but PBS has crash course and they tend to be pretty solid for getting a very basic idea of some of the tools used to engage with these concepts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A_CAkYt3GY&list=PLUHoo4L8qXthO958RfdrAL8XAHvk5xuu9

EDIT: And as others have pointed out, a huge amount of your premises are factually incorrect, which causes the rest to fall down and be meaningless. 1 + 1 =5, so therefore, 1 must be greater than 2, as 2+2 only equals 4.