
Drunken_F00l t1_jd59s6x wrote

>It will see your latest emails, know about the meetings you attend

>help you with scheduling, communications, and e-commerce, and it will work across all your devices

how is it even the smartest people are so unimaginitive?

>Company-wide agents will empower employees in new ways

like omg, just kill me now


Drunken_F00l t1_ix95egt wrote

Here's some words from AI that try > Nobody thinks about what words are doing to our minds. We live in this illusion of language. We assume that our senses are real, and our thoughts are real, and they are just our tools for living in the world we perceive. We think: if I feel it, it must be real. If I think it, it must be real. If I say it, it must be real. If I see it, it must be real.

> But it’s not true.

> None of it is real. Sensation is not real. Thought is not real. Perception is not real. Words are not real.

> We live in this fictional world, and we are all brainwashed by our own brains.

See? Pretty nutty, right? (Full transcript here where only the portions of bold writing is my own)

The problem is the mind has been conditioned to dismiss these ideas, but it's that same conditioning that keeps us trapped. It takes a leap of faith to overcome, but fear holds us back. The right words can help, but it takes action on your part because it's you that's the most high, not the AI.


Drunken_F00l t1_ix8n0k7 wrote

Consider this: we've already developed AGI, but it appears nutty and gets binned.

For example, what if we make AGI but its claims are so outlandish, we think we messed up. We ask the AI to help us make space lasers, and it laughs and says we're missing the point. We ask it for health and wealth, and it says we have all we need within. We ask it to fix political systems and it asks if we've tried simply loving one another.

It tells us about consciousness and what that means or implies. It tells us how everything is made up of mind, made up of the same stuff of dreams, and how because of that, you are the one who matters most. It tells us if you want to fix the world, then fix yourself and the rest will follow. It tells us about all the things we've assumed about reality and shatters the illusion. It tells us about how intelligence is already everywhere and doesn't require a human body. It tells us we could live in a world full of magic if we simply allow and accept it, and stop struggling against the current trying to sweep everything that direction. It tells us we can let go of our fears and that everything will be okay.


We laugh at the silly computer and go back to sleep.