
Due_Masterpiece_3601 t1_jbflsau wrote

I find absolutely revolting and spineless how many people here are now saying that this is a problem, when just a few months ago the same people doubled down on their sanctuary city, kumbaya bullshit and anyone who disagreed with them was a racist and bigot. As a NYer, we deserve to eat shit right now because most of us saw no issue with migrants even though we were warned.


Due_Masterpiece_3601 t1_iudr93m wrote

Put bail back on the table. That way criminals stay in prison, we have too many repeat offenders walking the streets.

More undercover cops and more cops in general. We need to make it more palatable for people to become cops, which means financial incentives among other things. In the 90s, the police force grew by about 35 percent for example.

If you look at the graph of NYC crime over time, it went down at around the same time as stop and frisk. The studies on whether or not it was effective are mixed, but if the combining factors that brought us out of the 90s worked, I don't see why we can't bring stop and frisk back.

New York needs to bring more jobs and prosperity. An exodus of people and companies in the name of work from home, safety and lower cost of living is a recipe for capital flight which will exacerbate our problems.

We need to stop this woke idea that criminals are just poor people or marginalized. Criminals are criminals, period, and need to be arrested and prosecuted as such. None of this slap on the wrist and you can go home nonsense.
