
Dunkin_Ideho t1_jadvya1 wrote

Let’s not get too dramatic. Local communities that fund libraries can choose what content they find acceptable to distribute in their community. Not funding books they find antithetical to their values isn’t an attack on the right to read.

Let the publishers publish what they will, people can choose to buy the content or not.

As to librarians, whom I love, why would they disappear and if they did what harm would it cause. Here are some counterpoints to the references narrative.

If the librarian disappeared and they didn’t notice at first, that supports the reduction of staffing not negates it.

If they don’t have an agenda how would they know where to go…to find the good stuff. It’s an inherently subjective analysis. You don’t need a librarian to show you where the Stephen King novel is but perhaps to recommend you a good book in a certain genre.

I should note that I actually donate money to library and support spending public funds on upgrading them and offering other services (within reason) so I’m not anti library or reading.