
DustyHound t1_jef5j54 wrote

Alcohol wipes in the first aid section of a drug store. About $4. Looks like a baby wipe tub. And it gets hit with medical UV-C every hour hour for about 15 minutes in my clinic room (medical massage therapist). That light kills bacteria and virus. plants too and can cause 2nd degree burns if exposed too long. Also creates ozone that I have to open the door to the outside for about 2 mins to evacuate. It’s usually in the HVAC system at a hospital. This excessive phone cleaning wasn’t intentional, it was by default.


DustyHound t1_j1loftq wrote

Bills mafia are actually good people that do a lot for the community via crowd funding and charities etc. NBC did a cool expose on them. Showing the goofy side vs how Buff is the city of good neighbors. (Which is evident this moment as even we can get destroyed in a blizzard)

Every fan base has the ones that go too far in any sport. But as a whole, they are just pleasantly excitable. Which I think goes back to the 90’s and the media crapping all over the bills. As if to say, we know our team annoys you. As far as the snowball incident last week, Buff and Miami are both guilty. But when the threat of a penalty was announced, Miami kept doing it. I went to a Miami game once where they flipped over a buffalo charter bus over an early season game.

You don’t have to like us and I don’t know your experience but dig a little deeper. Pretty sure there was a crowd fund for a KC charity after the loss last year. We are cool to visiting fans from what my die hard friends tell me. They will offer up fantastic tail gating spreads if you just go up and say hi. I’m told it’s common practice. There’s friendly jabs I’m sure. The media likes to just focus on the wackiness during a game. I must admit it looks insane from a distance. I only watch them on TV. I’ve got shit to do on Sundays.